Does She Want You Back?
Do you feel that your girlfriend wants you back, but she isn’t telling you that? Here are some things that you might notice:
- She Isn’t Dating
Since you broke up with her you’ve noticed that she isn’t dating anyone. This can be a sign that she wants to get back with you. Maybe she has decided that being single is the best thing for you since the breakup. This might be because she is focusing more on her life and her career, and you won’t ever be sure if she is still interesting unless you ask.
- Stalking Your Social Media
Maybe your ex-girlfriend is liking everything on your social media or making comments on your stuff. She is giving you a lot of attention there. Even if she doesn’t admit wanting to be back with you, if she is constantly reacting to your stuff and complimenting you, this could be a big sign.
- Calling and Texting
Have you ever had your ex call you randomly or text you randomly after not talking for months? She might decide to contact you and ask you silly things or ask you a question she could have found out without calling you. She might be reaching out to you without admitting it.
- Going to Places You Frequent
One big sign that your ex might like you still is if she shows up to places that you frequent. These are places that she knows that you hang out at and if you keep showing up to those places then this isn’t just convenient.
- Posting Pictures
Another big sign she might still be into you is that she is always posting pictures on social media of you two together. Even though the relationship is over, she still keeps tagging you in pictures and posts. She might want to still date you but doesn’t want to look desperate and hopes that this gets your attention.
- Hanging Out
If you and your ex-girlfriend are talking to each other and are still in contact and she messages you to see if you want to hang out, she probably misses you. When people like each other they want to spend time together. This might not happen as much as it did when you were dating but if it keeps happening here or there, it could be a sign she likes you.
- Getting Your Attention
When someone is trying to get your attention then they want you to notice them. If this is an ex, chances are they want you back. Maybe she is doing things that seem like coincidental, but chances are she knows what she’s doing. If she shows up at the same places you work out or if she is always at the places, you’re at, pay attention to this.
- Being Confusing
Sometimes an ex might be confusing because both you and them don’t know what is going on or what the other is feeling. If your ex keeps messaging you but then becomes distant, this could mean that she likes you and she is just confused at to what she wants. Women that feel that they have lost out on love might want love but not be sure how to tell you.
- Talking to Your Friends
If your ex is still in contact with your friends and she is asking them about you then she might still like you. It is common for someone to ask about you when they are still interested. If she asks if you’re single, then she might be wanting to get back together.
- Saying Sweet Things
Do you feel that your ex is trying to always say sweet things and is always being complimentary towards you? She might comment on your life and say something like, “I’m glad you’re doing so good,” or she might say, “I hope I see you soon.”
These are things that she might be saying but notice if she is also showing other signs.
- Talking About the Breakup
She might want you back and not want to tell you but if she keeps talking about the breakup or makes comments on how she probably made a mistake, this could be a sign she wants you back. She might ask you how you felt about the breakup or ask you if you regret it.
- Spying
Maybe she sends her friends to find out what you’re doing. Or, she might have them go by your house and see if you’re with someone or not. This can happen because she might feel that she is meant to be with you still, but she doesn’t want you to know she feels this way.
If her friends as you a lot of questions, chances are she sent them to spy on you.
- Happy to Help
People can just be kind and helpful but if your ex is always asking what she can do to help you then chances are she might be hoping to get you back. If you and her can be friends then chances are that she cares bout you and wants to get your attention.
- Positive Changing
There is a chance that you broke up with your ex because of little things that kept happening. If you notice that she is changing those things and that she is doing whatever she can to be a better person then she probably wants you to take her back.
She might become more about others, less selfish and more mature over time and this can be a big turn on in the relationship. She might be doing these things for herself only but if you feel that she is doing this for you then this is a big sign.
- Drunk Calling
Drunk calling happens sometimes when you’ve got someone on your mind that you miss. If you keep getting drunk calls from your ex, then chances are that she is doing this because she can’t get you off of her mind. She might miss you.
- Becoming Overly Kind
Nothing is wrong with someone being kind to you but if your ex wasn’t kind before and now all of a sudden, she is overly kind, she might have realized the mistakes that were made during the relationship and want to bring changes that might get your attention.
She might see that she needs to make up with you and even if she won’t admit it, being nice is one thing that she will want you to see.
- Still Hurting
When you message her, and she responds angrily or hurtfully then this is a sign that she’s still hurt over the breakup. She might be offended by things that you ask her, or she might even be rude. She might be so angry with you still that she has a hard time responding to you in a kind way.
This could be that she wants to get your attention and she will even use negativity to make that happen.
- Flirting
If your ex is constantly flirting with you through text or in person then she might be wanting to get your attention. You might wonder if you’re just imagining this but remember you spent a large portion of your time with her, so you know if she’s flirting with you or not.
- Replying to Messages Quickly
When you message her and she wants you back but doesn’t want to tell you that, she will respond fast to the messages that you send her. Once you send her a message, she responds fast because she wants you to see that she is there and available, but she also doesn’t want to be too forward.
- Not Disagreeing
Another big sign is that your ex is agreeable to the things that you say. Where you and she used to argue a lot and disagree with each other on what seemed like everything, now she is always agreeing with you, and it could be a big sign she still wants you.
- Reading Her Body Language
You can look at how someone is reacting to you in their body language, and you can know a lot about what they are feeling. Here are some things to pay attention to:
- If she looks at you.
- If she seems comfortable around, you.
- If she is acting nervous.
- She looks away when you look at her.
- She blushes.
Remember, you can tell if someone likes you even by their body language. If your ex wants you back and you notice these signs and the signs above it could mean she does.
Final Thoughts
When you see the signs happening above and you notice her body language, it might be time for you to make the next move. If you want to work things out and you want to get back together with her then the best thing that you can do is to ask her if she likes you still and if she wants to give it another go.
Women don’t always choose men that treat them super good, but they are attracted to men that aren’t as kind and caring. These are guys that are normally confident and strong, and this is something women have a hard time resisting.
If you want to have another chance with your ex though, make sure that you have worked through the problems from the first time through and see if you’re willing to give it another go.
This article provides a thorough breakdown of relationship dynamics post-breakup. Each point is relevant and provides a good framework for understanding potential feelings. It’s helpful for anyone confused about their ex’s intentions.
The article offers an interesting perspective on post-breakup behavior. It’s important to recognize these signs, but it’s equally crucial to have an open conversation with your ex to avoid misunderstandings.
‘Drunk calling’ as a sign? Really? That’s not even a serious indicator! People get drunk and call friends all the time—let’s not romanticize every impulsive action!
Come on, Tom! Awkwardness can lead to humorous situations that make for great stories later on—it’s all part of the human experience!
‘Reading body language’? Really? You might as well hire a psychic! Relationships are complicated enough without playing detective on someone’s feelings based on how they act around you.
Honestly, this seems like a stretch. Just because someone isn’t dating or is friendly doesn’t mean they want their ex back. People move on in different ways; we shouldn’t overanalyze everything.
‘Not dating anyone’ means she wants you back? What a ridiculous assumption! Maybe she’s just enjoying her freedom and doesn’t want another relationship right now. The article oversimplifies complex emotions.
While some points may be valid, it feels like the author is grasping at straws here. Not all actions mean someone wants to rekindle a relationship; they could simply be trying to move on themselves!
‘Embrace single life’? That sounds easier said than done! Relationships are complex and emotions are messy; it’s not as simple as moving on with a snap of your fingers!
Honestly, this post is just a bunch of wishful thinking. If someone has moved on, why would you want to chase after them? It’s better to respect the breakup and focus on your own growth instead.