Finding a Partner
Traditionally, one would only undergo the search for a partner once in a life-time. You would date someone in your teen-age years, then you would marry after college or starting a career. That was it. You were together until death, or very rarely, divorce.
On the outset, it seems idyllic, but it didn’t necessarily mean happily ever after. However, our current situation of dating many people and having many choices has a downside. Yes, we have the option of moving on after making a poor choice, but after doing this over and over, we can become anxious about making mistakes. How do you make better choices?
- Back to the past
Examine your past choices. What have you sought out? Do you see a pattern. If you had a tenuous childhood, do you seek to recreate the chaos? Do you want the ideal passionate and romantic partner, only to find that you are only one in a string of many? Look at your expectations. See which beliefs you are willing to leave behind.
- Prepare yourself
Ask yourself if you are truly ready for a relationship. Even though you think you want one, you may not need one. If you have just ended a relationship, you may not be emotionally ready. Take some time for yourself and wait until you have the moved past your last love.
- Chemistry isn’t always trustworthy
Being in love isn’t bad at all, but the overwhelming crush of physical attraction isn’t entirely trustworthy. First of all, that hormonal rush is an altered state as heady as a drug. Falling in love is great; however, that heady feeling subsides after a few months and you may find yourself in a place you don’t want to be.
- Focus on the relationship not the person
People often make the mistake of seeking out a type of person and not on the relationship itself. If you’re type-casting the perfect parter, be it physical or financial characteristics, you are going to miss out on a lot of potential quality relationship. If you truly want a life-time of happiness, look to building a quality partnership.
- Look a little deeper
Think about what you truly need, values, goals and a personality that compliments yours. Make sure you see eye to eye with these things before you plunge into permanence.
- Make sure your expectations are realistic
One of the problems with our fast paced lives is that we want what we want immediately. We tend to forget that relationships involve people and people are not perfect. No one person can fulfill one hundred percent of our needs. But if you partner meets most of you needs, you are doing very well. Do not settle for good enough, but look to see if you are happy most of the time.
- Emotional availability
Probably the most important factor in a quality relationships is emotional availability. Does you partner give you the support you need? Are they willing to be supportive of you emotionally? And are you willing to be there for them? Lack of support will lead to a toxic relationship that you may find yourself stuck in.
- Give it 90 days
When you start a relationship, give it time to develop. Over a three month time period you will see the patterns begin to form. At this time, ask yourself if this is a good situation for you. If not, it is highly unlikely that a dramatic change will occur.
While I appreciate the insights offered, it would be helpful if the author provided more concrete examples of how to apply these suggestions in real life. The advice sounds great in theory but needs practical application for those struggling with relationships.
‘Give it 90 days’ sounds reasonable, but let’s be honest: if it doesn’t feel right from the start, why waste time? Sometimes chemistry matters more than analysis; don’t overthink it!
If only finding love was as easy as swiping right! But maybe we should embrace some self-awareness before diving into romance—who knows what surprises await us!
This post seems overly pessimistic about modern dating. Just because people date multiple partners doesn’t mean they can’t find true love. Relationships evolve, and so should our perspectives on them. Let’s embrace change instead of longing for the ‘good old days.’
‘Emotional availability’ is such an important concept yet often overlooked! It’s refreshing that this article emphasizes mutual support as a cornerstone for healthy relationships. Communication truly makes or breaks a partnership!
“Clichés?” Some timeless truths hold value, even if they seem repetitive! A solid foundation is key in any relationship—ignoring that will lead you right back into chaos, which I think some folks secretly enjoy.
“Dive in” is exactly why so many people end up heartbroken, Rosie. Ignoring important signs can lead to toxic relationships that could have been avoided if only we took the time to reflect on our choices.