How to Know Your New Guy is Different from the One that Hurt You
If you have been screwed over by someone that you loved and you want to date someone new, but you don’t know if they are different or the same, read on:
Not Afraid to Tell You
If he doesn’t care to tell you how he feels and how much you mean to him, he is different. He wants you to be happy and he wants to have you in his life. He wants you to be able to share with him and him share with you.
When he is secure with you, he won’t ask you about your ex all the time. He doesn’t care about him because he knows you won’t want to go back with him because you are happy with him. He is confident and cares about you.
Talking About His Ex
This guy will not talk bad about his ex or put her down. He will be kind about her and know that the relationship didn’t work out for a reason. He knows she is a person, and he knows that things didn’t work out well.
Once he talks about her, it will be kind and he will not show bad feelings from his past.
Your Past
He shouldn’t be worried about what is in your past because that is the past. He won’t want the relationship to be stuck somewhere else, but he will want to know who you are now.
Introduce You
He will love for you to meet his friends and his family. He will want to show you off and he will want you to know how much he likes you.
He won’t use something to threaten you or to make you think he will leave you if you don’t do what he wants. He will not compromise who he is to be with you because he is looking for someone real to be with.
He will not make demands to you and he will want to show how he cares about you.
This guy will make you feel that you are good enough. He will want you to know that you are smart and beautiful. He will not make you fearful or make you want to change who you are.
Doing Things for You
He will want to do things for you because he wants to see you smile. He knows you would do the same things for him.
He will not cause you stress and he will do things to make your life easier. He wants your relationship with him to be easy and fun.
This guy will care if you are sad or upset. He wants you to have happiness. He wants to understand you and to feel your feelings. He accepts that you have emotions, and he wants to help you heal.
If you have problems, he will be there to take away your burdens. He wants to help you through your problems, and he will not run away if you have something hard you are dealing with.
The insights provided in this post are invaluable for anyone re-entering the dating scene after heartbreak. Understanding what to look for can truly help in identifying a healthier relationship dynamic moving forward.
‘He won’t cause you stress’? LOL! That’s like saying unicorns exist! Every relationship has its challenges; pretending otherwise only sets people up for disappointment when things get real!
@Nikki Clarke, I get your point, but I think aiming for these qualities isn’t bad! We should strive for better relationships rather than settling for less.
‘He will make you feel good enough’? Seriously? Sounds more like wishful thinking than reality! Everyone has their own insecurities; it’s unrealistic to think someone else can simply erase those feelings.
I found this article overly simplistic and naive. Not everyone is as perfect as described here. Life is complicated, and expecting someone to tick off all these boxes seems unrealistic. Relationships require more than just good intentions.
@Nikki Clarke, true! But it’s nice to have some guidelines instead of just jumping into something unhealthy again.
I strongly disagree with some points made here. People often have baggage, and it’s unrealistic to expect someone to never mention their past relationships or exes at all. Communication about past experiences can be healthy.