Relationship Help

9 Ways to Be an Ideal Romantic Partner
It seems like the dating scene is constantly altering. If you have been wanting more equality in a relationship and to ditch the drama, we have compiled a list of nine ways you can be a healthy partner.
- Have your own money: Never rely on your partner to be your sole provider. You don’t need to be the star employee, but ensure you have a job or a steady financial stream. This way a potential partner won’t look at you as a someone they will have to support for the rest of their life. Having your own money is good for you and the health of your love.
- Pay your share: You don’t have to split every bill in half, but it is important your lover doesn’t have to pay for everything. When the burden of support is lifted, they will be more likely to surprise you with the occasional treat or thoughtful gift.
- Give thoughtful advice: Partners look for an equal to navigate the highs and lows with side-by-side. If your lover is struggling after a trying day at the office, giving them reasonable suggestions show that you both care and listen to their concerns.
- Be true to yourself: Today, girlfriends have well formed opinions and identities. Today people are looking for a fully realized partner that can help challenge them to be better version of themselves. Stop hiding your essence and embrace your authentic self!
- Explore new adventures: Today’s society gives us endless options to explore new horizons. Be open to new experience to keep your love fresh and your minds sharp.
- Fly your freak flag: It’s more than ok to talk about sex in your relationship. Exploring your sexual fantasies can help bring you and your partner closer together. Try something new every once in a while, and see what avenues begin to open for you both.
- Be in it for the long haul: Having lasting love doesn’t always mean marriage and kids. But know what commitment means for you and what it will take for your person to show you that they are committed to you. If it is important to you, ask for it. Either you will get it, have a plan to get it, or realize it’s time to move on.
- Don’t be their shadow: You are your own woman. You don’t have to spend every waking minute with them to be happy. Have your own sets of friends and interests. It is also important to set aside “me time.” This can help you both avoid codependency.
- Know the only love you need is your own: You don’t need a man to be happy! When a guy knows you are an independent spirit, they will cherish the time spent with them. Men are biologically wired to chase women. They know that at any time they might lose you and that makes you more attractive to him. However, when a guy knows his woman doesn’t need him, but choose him every day, there is no greater turn on.
Exactly! It almost seems like we’re expected to perform as independent partners while also being compliant with traditional roles in relationships—such a contradiction!
And let’s not forget: sometimes love means being vulnerable and dependent too! It’s all about balance—not extremes!
‘Know the only love you need is your own’—absolutely spot on! Self-love is the foundation for any healthy relationship, and this article beautifully captures that essence.
I find this article quite unrealistic. Not everyone can just ‘have their own money’ or simply ditch the drama. Relationships are complex, and this oversimplifies a lot of issues we face today.
This post offers some valuable insights into modern relationships. The emphasis on financial independence and personal growth is crucial for healthy partnerships. I hope more people read and implement these ideas!
‘Be in it for the long haul’? That’s such vague advice! What does commitment mean exactly? Relationships require more than just platitudes; they need real communication!
‘Real communication’ isn’t as easy as it sounds either! If only everyone could articulate feelings without falling into drama—this article makes it sound simple when it’s really not!
While some points are valid, others come off as patronizing. Love isn’t just about being independent; it’s about teamwork too! Relationships require compromise, not just self-assertion.
‘Teamwork’? Please! Too many people lose themselves in relationships. This advice encourages individuals to maintain their identities, which is essential for a balanced love life.