Stop Caring if They Love You or Not

Do you care about someone that doesn’t care about you? Do you have someone in your life that you love to have around, and you feel lost without them?  Are you always thinking about someone that you are pretty sure isn’t thinking about you? The things that you experience in your life make you have happiness or sometimes pain. These […]

Can You Love Someone Without Romance?

When people imagine what love is, some people think that romance means that you will see Cupid holding his arrow and you will see hearts floating around or cute little images that mean love.  We have all even heard the story of Cupid that shoots his arrow and wounds you so that you can fall in love with the person […]

Why Men Hurt Those They Love

Love sometimes hurts, not just in the heart, but sometimes physically, emotionally, or spiritually. Some men harm or abuse women, even if they love them. Below is an article about men hurting those they love that may shed some light on your own marriage or relationship. There are several reasons why some men abuse. At times, these are given by […]