Dating Advice
12 Ways You Know It’s Time to Love Again

12 Ways You Know It’s Time to Love Again

It’s natural to be cautious after having your heart broken.  But there are subtle cues that let you know it’s time to put yourself back on the dating market.

Here are 12 clear indications that you are ready to fall back in love:

  • You have stopped discussing your ex and you have fully accepted that your last relationship is over.
  • Upon reflecting you have realized you aren’t meant to be with your ex and will be happier with a new partner.
  • Instead of feeling resentful or remorseful, you are hopeful about the wonderful opportunity you will be able to explore in the future.
  • You enjoy meeting new people and never compare them to your ex.
  • Because you are over your ex, you are welcoming new individuals into your life. You see each new date as someone you are able to shower love upon.
  • Being single doesn’t scare you. Life is a gift and you relish exploring new opportunities. You look forward to finding a perfect person with whom to share your adventures.
  • You are always growing as a person. You enjoy discovering your passions, interests and new relationships.
  • You look at things objectively and see a new person for who they are and not who you expect them to be. You will never let someone else pay for your ex’s shortcomings.
  • You know exactly what you want and deserve in a relationship.
  • You aren’t looking for a love project. You accept people for exactly who they are. You understand relationships are only successful when both partners put in the work, and accept each other, flaws and all.
  • You embrace the pain and unknown of love. You would rather be alone than with the wrong mate. You won’t let yourself be a rebound or friend with benefit, unless that is what you want.
  • You find love by spending time with friends, family, pets, or anyone that wants to see you happy and fulfilled. You live for the small moments and embrace the power of now.

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